Thursday, February 1, 2018

Science Fair Belligerence

So it's been a while, but here we are.  Lauren's in 3rd grade and Pinteresting like it's her job.  Ben's in 2nd grade...and basically looks like a college freshman, not a 7 year old.  We're smack dab in the middle of the school year, and just got through the dreaded month of January.  As you may remember...January and I never really got along. Historically, January has been a total beyotch and somehow managed to last twice as long as other months.  Although I must say that this year, we played nice together in the sandbox.  This year it seems January and I worked out some of our issues via more empathetic communication, and copious amounts of wine.  So while I may not be ready to wear January's letter sweater, I may be able to call her a "friend".

So since the last blog...which I believe was the great Shopkin Rant of 2016...we've maintained our little circus here with what I'd like to say is some level of decorum.  The Science Fair is coming up, and this year BOTH kids are signed up.  Both.  Today is February 1st.  The fair is on February 13th. Nothing has been done.  Ben is doing his project on Dinosaur Extinction, and Lauren is doing hers on German Shepherds and why they're a top choice for police dogs.  Nothing. Has. Been. Done.  Look.....


HASHTAG- Motheroftheyear

This oughta be an interesting Science Fair.  Stay tuned.  We may just show up with this...



I like to imagine how something like that would go down.  Has anyone ever done anything so belligerent at a Science Fair?  Or would we go down in Science Fair History?  If you look closely, there's a miniature thermometer in both "projects" you know it's very "Scienc-ey"...

And now that I'm back to blogging....I'll leave you with this... "MOM BLOG TUTORIAL FAIL" filmed at my house a few weeks ago....