Friday, April 12, 2013

Krazy Kale Smoothie

It's one thing to SAY you're going to eat more kale because it's oh-so-good for you, but it's quite another to actually EAT the kale. Kale is the gold standard of leafy greens.  To put it in lay terms - it's the bomb diggety of the veggie world, and according to health professionals all over -the more kale you eat, the more likely you are to survive a zombie apocalypse!  In addition to that, it's nutrition packed with vitamin, antioxidants, and also contains anti-cancer health benefits.  Ok great!  Sign me up.  Sign my family up!  Oh wait, I can barely convince my kids to eat fruits like strawberries and blueberries - and they look and taste yummy.  So how am I going to sell this thick, leafy green pile o' health to 2 very discriminating preschoolers when even I'm not too thrilled about eating it?  Yes, you guessed it - disguise the kale as something YUMMY.  Actually, hide it in something yummy.  So let me present to you my Krazy Kale Smoothie...(although I just tell my kids it's a chocolate shake ;)

The ingredients you'll need are:

 2 Cups Baby Kale - the baby kale is a lot more tender and palatable than the big bunches of kale you see in the produce section - I love Olivia's baby kale because it's organic and prewashed

8 large strawberries
1/2 Avacado
1 Banana (I buy bananas and slice them in half, slather some almond butter on them, and freeze them - YUMMY in a smoothie and they keep in the freezer for months!  This is what you see in the plastic bag above)
2 Tablespoons Natural Unsweetened Cocoa Powder
1-2 Tablespoons Raw Honey (not pictured here)
2 cups Ice Cubes
1 Cup Water
1/2 Cup Almond (or regular) milk

Blend on high speed in blender until desired consistency is reached.  You can add more Cocoa powder to taste.  The end result is a super healthy smoothie packed with nutrition and health and it tastes like chocolate.   It's absolutely yum-o-licious and not only do I love it, but yes, my kiddos love it too!  I got my children to eat KALE!!!  Score 1 for this momma!!

1 comment:

  1. I <3 kale!! Though, Aaron and I tend to just mix the adult leaves into our salads. I don't have a blender right now, but I'm definitely trying that recipe when we get another one, because that sounds DELISH!!!
